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The study reported high rates of antimicrobial resistance
The study reported high rates of antimicrobial resistance and also reminds us of the paucity of new drugs to treat such infections, especially in neonates, as well as the paucity of data on antimicrobial pharmacokinetics in this population. Observational and interventional multicentre studies are ne
Non communicable disease behavioural risk factors such as to
Non-communicable disease behavioural risk factors such as tobacco smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and unhealthy eating are socially patterned in high-income countries, with individuals of low socioeconomic status generally experiencing a higher burden of risk factors. Howeve
Induction of labor starting with cervical
Induction of labor starting with cervical ripening through the Foley catheter method has been a generally accepted technique and believed to be the safest method to manage pregnant women with an unfavorable antioxidants because it avoids exogenous uterine stimulants and relies on the local and endog
br Introduction Bone marrow adipocytes are one of the most
Introduction Bone marrow adipocytes are one of the most abundant cell types found in bone marrow tissue. They constitute approximately 15% of the bone marrow volume in young adults, rising to 60% by the age of 65 years old [1]. Previously considered as inert space filling cells with little biolog
March marked annual World TB
March 24 marked annual World TB Day, this year\'s theme being “reach the 3 million” who acquire tuberculosis every year but who do not get diagnosed, treated, or cured. Why do so many patients with this life-threatening infectious disease go under the radar? One reason, as Madhukar Pai and colleague
De manera concomitante la confecci n de relaciones y
De manera concomitante, la confección de relaciones y crónicas devino una forma de obtener recompensas o beneficios del favor real. De este modo, tanto particulares como miembros de corporaciones (v. gr. la iglesia) elaboraron sus historias (manuscritas o impresas) y buscaron hacerlas llegar al mona
Huelga decir que el tono encomi stico de estos elogios
Huelga decir que el tono encomiástico de estos elogios convirtió Amyloid β-Peptide (1-42) este género en una tipología discursiva algo maniquea, abrumada por los abusos retóricos y laudatorios. Se trataba tanto de exhibir una trayectoria vital consagrada a la ciencia, como de hacerlo empleando un re
If a structurally normal patient with polymorphic VT VF
If a structurally normal patient with polymorphic VT/VF storm has a completely normal baseline ECG, the possible diagnosis includes CPVT and idiopathic VF. CPVT is an inherited disorder of intracellular Ca2+ handling, which can cause polymorphic VT/VF storms [10]. Abnormal SR Ca2+ release from defec
The existence of a variety of unique electrophysiological fi
The existence of a variety of unique electrophysiological findings, such as antegrade triple AVNPs, latent retrograde dual AVNPs, and compact nodal reentry due to the presence of subatrial upper and intranodal lower final common pathways, is uncommon. Furthermore, it hcv protease inhibitor is very
br Material and methods The study subjects were consecutive
Material and methods The study subjects were 28 consecutive patients with organic protoporphyrin ix disease who underwent ICD implantation for the secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death, based on the indications for ICD implantation in the European Society of Cardiology׳s guidelines [12].
br Discussion We describe an additional
Discussion We describe an additional diagnosis to consider when BVT is identified. One of the proposed mechanisms of BVT include elevated intracellular calcium, causing delay after depolarization in anatomically separate parts of the conducting system. Baher et al. [1] proposed that two separate
br es resultado de una larga investigaci n de
es resultado de una larga investigación de la obra de Juan Rulfo, pero es asimismo el fruto de largas reflexiones sobre “el arte de narrar” en general y sobre las relaciones que la literatura entabla con la cultura y la historia en que se inscribe, conexiones ellas mismas históricas. Desde el artí
Nos anos de alguns setores
Nos anos de 1970 alguns setores da Igreja católica iniciaram uma nova etapa na ligação da instituição com as elites e a política. Outrora a Igreja era parte integrante desse arranjo, neste período se converteu em contestadora da acumulação financeira, das desigualdades, do latifúndio e da autoridade
br Intrauterine insemination IUI is
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the more widely used fertility treatments, and often suggested as the first choice for infertile couples with cervical infertility, mild male factor infertility, anovulation, mild or minimal endometriosis, and unexplained infertility with at least one pate
Argentina adopta una posici n
Argentina adopta una posición semejante myeloperoxidase los anteriores países, Aborda el principio en la Ley 25675, incorpora un seguro como requisito para cubrir los posibles daños ambientales en las actividades riesgosas, específicamente señala el Artículo 22 de dicha ley. Asimismo, define el daño
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